Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dream: I'm on the top floor of a high falling building, see the scenery passing by the windows.

My meditations today: death of God (Nietzche) was the beginning of birth of reason, coincided with the birth of psychoanalysis (1900). An implicit contradiction in analysis: you are supposed to exist in present not in the past - only by being aware of this you can do effective analysis. Psychology seems a feminine science because it deals with emotions (sensuality). On the other hand the framework is given by the reality. This corresponds to the male principle of reason. To which the problem of relativity of reality is also added. History of religion is relationship of instinct and reality, implying the struggle for freedom from the matter. (Jung: from darkness to light.) The Self-ideal: God as Father means a patriarch; God as Mother a matriarch. Both imply oligarchy. Psychology implies democracy: a new stage in awareness.

Our childhood situations repeat themselves in adulthood. Religion: father/mother complex, science: adulthood. Its attainment implies struggle with the cultural system and integration of the opposite side (animus/anima). Freedom for man means realization of the male identity. Intergration of the father-ideal, identification.

During the night we had a dinner together with all the family. A big old restaurant. A chain in US, 40 years old. This is the headquarters. Waited for 45 minutes, until a Star Wars device in Don's hand started blinking.

After dinner: Aladdin Theater, a benefit concert for Friends of the Children: Trail Band. Christmas and other songs (classical, blues, pop, rock) and Scott Parker - as 'Harold'. I notice how much people need to laugh: here, in the church, wherever they can. The star of the show seems to be a guitarist virtuoso in bright red: Doug Fraser. He must be 70 but shows off as a 20. Church member, Don and Pat know him. Not this aspect of him, though...

Ideas popping up: the self-sacrificing God is the most important realization of Christianity. Unitarians dropped it with original sin, thus missing a main point: the psychological aspect, retaining the ideological oneness. Thus, unfortunately many identify religion with outward symbols, missing the dynamic content and the therapeutical role. And the real ars poetica of ministry. Same problem as in the time of Francis David.

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